I got a new cage for Twister my pet rat! It has different levels! He loves it! I put up some pix of the new cage! Also 1 new pic of Mango. I know it seems like I've been doing a lot of pet pictures. I have been. O well they are soo cute and awsome so be sure to check them out!!!! I hope to be getting on with another update with Fun page or something... so yeah keep checking for more updates!
5/13/2010 10:03:54 am

o mi gozh. i luv ur petz. theyz r da cutestz tingz eva! I dont hav 0 petz, i reelly wunt 1 tho. wat doo u sujest? (btw, sarry 4 mi spelling, i amz 14)

5/13/2010 10:06:31 am

btw, i cant getz a dogz or catz. i azked + mi momma + she sed noo. may b a rodunt? but i cant chooze. plz helpz mi. i amz soo cunfoozed.

5/13/2010 10:10:40 am

alzo, diz iz wayz outz of subbyz butz i got a D in spelling in sckoolz + how doo i tellz mi momma? i alzo gotz a C- inz englishz. wat am i gunna doo? i probz getz groundedz 4 a weeeek. dat all, but mi momma sed i cantz playz inz soccerz if i dont get gud gradez in sckool. thankz

5/15/2010 12:34:39 am

u have zero pets? that's sad. :( since u cant get a dog or cat, i think deffinetly a rodent. i think a rat would be best, because they are really sweet, intelligent, and they r pretty easy to handle since they arn't smalll like a hamster or mouse. or u could get a lizard like a bearded dragon. i think bearded dragons r sooo cool even though i dont have one. :) i think u totally need a pet EVERYONE needs a pet!!!!
o and for your school thing... idk!!!! study harder and try your best?!?!? um yeah that question was sorta off topic...

5/15/2010 02:34:53 pm

i tookz urz advise. mi momma sed i cud getz a lizerd. yayz! thanxs. aboutz da sckool ting, imz gunna werk harderz


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